Cops vs Robbers

Stop the robbery, or join it!

Cop? Robber? You decide.

The vault has been broken open, a robbery is on it’s way. Join the fray as either Cop or a Robber and shoot it out on the inside of a bank. Have a firefight with full freedom of movements in this location based VR shooter.

  • Genre PvP
  • Game Length 5-9 minutes
  • Players 1-4 players


  • Crawl spaces
  • Interactable environment
  • Shattering glass
  • Intense shootouts
Your adventure starts here


  • Scenario: The vault’s defenses have been breached! As alarms blare, choose your allegiance: Uphold the law as a Cop or defy it as a Robber.

  • Gameplay: Dive into an immersive VR shootout set within the confines of a bustling bank. Engage in high-stakes gunfights with complete freedom of movement.

  • Objective: Secure the loot or protect the vault. Which side will emerge victorious in this intense, location-based VR standoff? Gear up and decide your fate!